Thursday, July 22, 2004

A few more faces...

I saw another 20 or so folks audition for the production of "The Father" that I'm directing this fall, and three shows were mentioned that I think are of note.  First is a little ditty called The Great Masturbators, which seems to be one of those shows that tries to capitalize on the shock value of its title (something that no other Fringe show has ever tried, I'm sure).  After reading the online blurb, though, I discovered that it is about Spanish artists of the 1920s.  I'm a big fan of Spanish culture (exempting that whole inquisition thing), and will be studying there next summer, so I'm hoping that at some point my dice will allow me to go see this show. 

Two of the actors that auditioned for me last night are involved in a show called Escape! Dance Like No One is LookingI've known about this show for a while now, and I think that the whole thing sounds like fun.  It is a dance show that has a bunch of people in it who aren't necessarily who you'd imagine as dancers, including a 6'7" fella.  Dance to me has always been something that should be better than what it is.  I go see a dance show and I want to see the celebration that comes out of dancing.  Often you see toned bodies doing contortions and straining to try to be beautiful.  A joyous celebration is a beautiful thing unto itself.  So, I'm hoping that this show is exactly that.

The third show that one of my auditionees is performing in is The Brave Little TailorThis is a fairy tale/folk tale that I don't think gets its just desserts.  I think part of the problem is that we've become too scared of the violence part of the story.  Traditionally it is a story of tall tales, big threats, and someone who accidentally lives up to his fate.  Gotta tell ya, that sounds like the perfect makings of a kid's show.

That's it from the stuff last night.  Rehearsal for my show tonight, I'll fill you in tomorrow.

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