Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Day 5: The beginning

So, I woke up this morning, and had somehow been relocated to the month of November. Jeez! I've got my furnace back on for the first time since May. This is not the normally oppressive heat that strikes fear into the hearts of Fringe performers stuck with the Acadia as their venue. No air-conditioning is no problem this year, that's for sure.

I went to my closet and put on my leather jacket before taking my daughter to daycare this a.m. And that's how I will be attired this afternoon/evening. I also took the chilly weather as a sign that I should make Chili for supper. It's in the slow cooker right now.

The callbacks at the History Theatre aren't quite done yet, but that won't be taking me away from my Fringe duties today. Instead I'm seeing a full docket of shows. I've already rolled the dice for the first time slot, and I'll be seeing "Improv-a-go-go: Death Match." I'm hoping that it is good. I've moved beyond my improvisation-is-god stage of development, and so I don't search improv shows out anymore. In fact, this will only be the 3rd time I've been back in the building of the Brave New Workshop since I left the company's staff back in 1999.

Some random stuff:
  • I watched "Time Bandits" the other day. It was nowhere near as good as I remembered it being from when I was a kid.
  • Even though I've had a cast assembled for the next show I'm directing for almost a week now, I'm finding it really hard to make the calls to those who didn't get cast. It is so difficult to reject people, especially when you asked specific people to come out for you.
  • You know the drill...random fact time... www.hookedonfacts.com: "Isaac Asimov is the only author to have a book in every Dewey-decimal category." -- As a writer, this is something that I hope to one day aspire to. What a mind this guy had! Too bad Hollywood thinks it can improve on his genius. Anyone who wasted your money on I, Robot raise your hand!

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