Thursday, June 09, 2005

Three desserts!

Back to "Thirst Theatre" I went this past Monday night. IT has taken me a little time to write about it because I've lost my notes. It was an enjoyable evening at Joe's Garage out on the roof/patio. The plays themselves were all solid, and uniformly more enjoyable than the last time I went. But, that's the beauty of Thirst...It is completely different every time. Sure, you take a risk that you may not like something, but even if you don't you're having an experience unlike any other for a mere $10. Can't go wrong there. The highlight of my night (theatre-wise) was Jim Lichtschidle and Barbara Kingsley in a play written by my friend Dan Pinkerton. Dan is a very good playwright, and was one of the three fellas who orchestrated "Fast Fringe" last year. This little featurette was about a woman at a bar, who happens to meet a puppet at a bar. It was funny, enjoyable, and threw out little barbs at the TC theatre community, and that was refreshing. Not to mention when Barbara started to passionately make out with the puppet, I squealed with glee...yes, squealed.

Another show that sticks out in my mind is "Boys Behaving Badly" by Alan Berks. The dialogue was good, and the twists the script took were very enjoyable. It wasn't exactly a light piece, but it still provided good laughs. Michael Booth, one of the featured actors, was particularly strong. He joined me at my table afterward, and it was nice to chat with him about the whole of "Thirst," The Fringe, and everything else.

The Table/stage was set in the center and I was one table away from it. Surprisingly, at this type of event, the front row isn't really good seating. In addition to the actors, you find yourself watching the audience. An audience made up heavily of actors and playwrights, etc. So, I found my self constantly distracted by a really attractive brunette with curly hair, and a woman who had those fake streaky blond highlights. At what point did those come into fashion? God! They are hideous! There isn't a single woman on Earth who looks good with them. They don't look realistic, nor interesting. They are the equivalent of painting skunk stripes on your head intentionally. Blech!

All in all a good evening, although Joe's was out of an inordinate amount of stuff on this particular evening. In fact, every time I ordered something, it was something they were out of...So, after finally eating a meal of an apetizer that was my second choice and an entree that was my third choice, the waitress brought me all three of the remaining desserts (my first two choices of those were out, too!). The service was great, and I don't hold the selection thing against the restaurant, but what an odd experience that was, all the way around.

Now for something completely random:
  • I just bought an Mp3 player to take with me to Spain. It's cool. Now I just have to figure out how to make it work.
  • From "A frog can't empty its stomach by vomitting. To empty its stomach contents, a frog throws up it's stomach first, so the stomach is dangling out of it's mouth. Then the frog uses its forearms to dig out all of the stomach's contents and then swallows the stomach back down again. " -- Ewww...gross! I was at a party this past Saturday night wherein one of my best friends got really sick. She spent the last hour and a half of the party puking her guts up. I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am that we aren't like frogs, because then she really would've been puking her guts up. And I would not have been willing to hang around for that, at all.
  • I hate mosquito bites!
  • I just realized that there are 7 pieces of art hanging on my livingroom walls, and yet it looks sparse. I need to redecorate.
  • What do you think I should have for lunch? I'm having a hard time making up my mind.
  • "I bet you never heard ol' Marshall Dillon say, "Miss Kitty, have you ever thought of runnin' away, settlin' down. Would you marry me, If I asked you twice and begged you, pretty please?" -- "I Should've Been a Cowboy" by Toby Keith
  • I got an e-mail yesterday from Gerald Fierst of "Mouth." (2004 Fringe Festival -- One of my favorite shows by far!) It was good to hear from him. One of the best things about Gerald is the amount of love that man has to share with his fellow human beings. Even a short e-mail (what, six or seven lines?) carries the feeling that he really cares about you. That's something special.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"She'da said yes in a New York minute...they never tied the knot. His heart wasn't in it. He just stole a kiss as he rode away...."