Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 1 -- 7:00 p.m. Time Slot

Show: Something Witchy

Company: Partizan Theater

Venue: UofM Rarig Center Thrust

Die Roll: 13

There are a lot of shows in this year's Fringe about murder. So, it seems appropriate that my first day should include one of them.

This is a play built around a few bits of actual history involving the "Family" of Charles Manson. Basically, one of the members of the family made her escape shortly after a trial that sent most of the others to jail. She has lived a life of normality for 15 years. Now a suburban housewife with a teen-aged daughter, she has avoided the past for a long time. That is, until a stranger who has far too much info about her old life shows up at the door.

The play deals with some heavy matters. It moves well, and is acted well. There are some rough spots, but they are smoothed over quite quickly. I think this happens because of the period of time allotted to a show in the Fringe. I think this play took on story that would have been better served with an additional half-hour to 45 minutes. That being said, Catherine Johnson Justice puts in a nice turn as the former hippy/cult-member. Chris Carlson carries the show on his shoulders. I am always impressed by his character work. The show is worth seeing for that alone. And Lindsey Alexandra Hartley is more than believable as a young teen.

The story could've been a little stronger. One of my main questions that I pose toward a play is "What is at stake?". Other than for the Catherine's character, Rachel, I'm not sure I could find an answer to that question for most of the play. Carlson's character had a clear stake in the action that appeared at the very end, but prior to that... not sure. There were also some leaps that I didn't follow. Perhaps another conversation between the mother and daughter. Perhaps a reveal of what the daughter may know about her mother's past. Perhaps a build toward the knowledge that Rachel enjoyed being a part of the killings that happened many years ago. I don't know if those were part of the play, or not. I don't know if they should be added, or not. I do know that there were points when the plot had gaps that would've solidified the play as a work.

What is present is an interesting "what if" type tale that makes for a mostly engaging hour of theatre.

Ten Word Summary: Former cult member faces her past and forces her future.

Rating: d12 - "A Heckuva Lotta Fun"

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