You may have also noticed that I've seen fewer shows over the last few days than one might expect. All I can say is that life as a single dad is not always the most conducive to scheduling for the Fringe. Especially as my daughter gets older and has more activities in the evening. I can't even tell you how much I'm dreading this next school year's activities. One night of peace each week! I never thought I'd say this, but I'm looking forward to her learning to drive. Only 6 years until her license!
So... A full docket tonight! It's a Friday and I'm stayin' up late watching plays! AND the shows start one slot earlier than normal tonight. 4:00 p.m. shows. I'm looking forward to 5 shows in one evening.
Can you handle all that theatre action? I know I can't wait.
Something random this way comes:
- Paper Clip!
- Trivia from Hooked on Facts: "Wearing yellow makes you look bigger on screen. Green makes you look smaller" -- This is especially true if you are wearing Green against a Chroma Key screen. Then it's likely that not only would you appear smaller, but that you'd be partly invisible.
- I have a vast knowledge of things that no one cares about. For this reason, I often find it difficult to find interesting things to say in this portion of my column.
- The panther is looking to its right.
- Bromine's atomic number is 35
- Left-left-left-right-left
- Nothing can be done that can't be done.
- Say what?
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