So, as I promised the other day, I am expanding my investigation of theatres preparing for the Fringe. I've already written about 4 companies that are getting ready for thebig festival, and I'll be continuing to cover them, but I'm also going to add in some others that I've not yet talked about.

The first of the new batch is
"Cliff Notes" for Dummies from Third Rabbit Dance Ensemble. The group is run by fellow Fringe columnist
John Munger, pictured here...
The title of the show might lead you to believe that an audience member might expect to see a selection of shortened works of classic literature brought to the stage. And, in the form of three dance selections, this is true. Third Rabbit Dance Ensemble (which could have a shorter name, if they want people to keep typing it over and over!) is tackling such works as
MacBeth, the
Kama Sutra, and the biblical book of
Genesis. But wait, there's more! Not everything in show is of that ilk. There other short works intermingled as essentially intermezzi between the longer dances.
Third Rabbit (There! I shortened it myself!) has a policy of doing accessible dance to regular people, instead of doing high-falutin' stuff. Part of the reason I chose to cover

them was that I'd seen something of their before and it left a good taste in my mouth. So, I can recommend them personally. I can also mention that this is a wonderful opportunity to see the dancing of Amy Behm, who is one of the heavy hitters in the world of dance. She's a headliner quality special guest, and someone you should try to catch, if you can.
Although some of the dances will be remarkably humorous, others will be of a more serious bent. But, remember, the idea is for the dances to be enjoyed by even the freshest, first-time viewer. Serious doesn't necessarily mean confusing, especially at a Third Rabbit show.
In a few days I'll return to the topic of this show, when my one-on-one interview will be published in this same Fringe space, same Fringe channel.
Entropy here we come...Chaos please:

It was a dark and stormy night...

I understand that it is currently as hot there in Minnesota as it is in Spain this week. I'd like to share my sympathies with y'all. Incidentally, my use of that Southern word reminds me...only four of the folks that go to school with me have Northern accents of varying types. All the rest are Southerners. I'm really trying hard not to drop into their accents when I talk back to them. It happens quite often, though.

The "Bright White" paper the I bought at Target prior to coming here is oddly yellow-ish compared to the A4 paper that comes out of the college's printers. My articles and papers come out looking jaundiced compared to those of my classmates.

"Would you like to buy an O?" -- from a Sesame Street Alphabet record, circa 1977.

Is Chris ever going to give us today's
bit of trivia?!: "A microwaved baseball will fly farther than a frozen baseball." -- This goes in the category of discoveries most likely made by a Frat boy with waaaay too much time on his hands.

I've made an odd discovery!

My daughter, who is 6, really likes Tim Burton movies. She just saw the new "Chocolate Factory" movie, and she's always been a big fan of
Nightmare Before Christmas. She's eagerly anticipating the next claymation film that Burton is coming out with. I'm not sure if I'm a little worried about what all that means.

Blah, blah, blah.
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