Running from venue to venue on foot is exceptionally wearing on the person who isn't in as good of shape as he remembers himself being. I had that pointed out to me in a horribly painful way this morning.
I used to think I was in pretty good shape. I no longer have the nicely sculpted abs and defined quads that I did when I was running regularly, but I also don't weigh a mere 135 lbs. any more, either. Now sitting happily at 155, I have put on the little bit of added mass that often goes along with the lifestyle changes prompted by having a kid and other such things. However, I didn't think that I'd gotten so out of shape that I couldn't swim one entire lap in a swimming pool. I figured I wasn't going to be doing an immense amount of laps, but I thought one was probably within the realm of possibility. Nope. Yikes.
So here is my promise to myself, you are merely a witness to it: I will be getting in better shape over the next two weeks. At least so much that I can walk from the Loring Playhouse to the MCTC Mainstage without being winded and suffering shin splints.
Other than going swimming today in the 102 degree heat of central Spain, I also contacted a bunch of new theatres about appearing in my column over the next few days, so look for that soon...
Now, on to that which is random:
-- One show in the Fringe is titled Why Actors Can't Love. This reminds me, for whatever reason, of a bumper sticker I once saw that said, "I'm sorry. I can't. I have rehearsal."
-- Here are a couple of bullfighting pictures from this past Friday night:
-- There is a theatre troupe based out of Barcelona called "La Fura Dels Baus," which is Catalan for "The Fury of the Oxen." This company is currently presenting their version of The Magic Flute here in Madrid. From the description and pictures, it seems they do stuff very similar to Theatre de la Jeune Lune back home.
-- Don't turn that dial, you'll miss this fact!: "To take an oath, ancient Romans put a hand on their testicles...that's where the word testimony comes from." -- And so we now know that through his dancing, Michael Jackson has been testifying all along!
-- The people who cleaned my room this week took my drinking glass. That wouldn't bug me so much had it been one that the dorm had provided, but since it was one that I bought. I'm pretty irked. Not to mention that bottle of Champagne I've got up there isn't going in my tummy any faster thanks to them.
-- Pizza!
-- Mind the gap!
-- You may not know this, but the 7th letter of the Alphabet is G.
-- I know I have an odd way of selecting the Fringe shows that I attend, but what I'm wondering is if any of you have odd ways, too. If so, let me know about it, and you'll find yourself featured in this happy little blog. Cool?
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