At the beginning of each Fringe-filled day, I will start off with a happy little thing called "The Beginning." It will be filled with thoughts for the day, and the daily dose of random crap. After that, each time slot will be accounted for and blogged at the end of the day, or whenever I have a break. Make sense? That's the way it'll go for the next 11 days.
And so here we are at the beginning of the first day. Are you as excited as I am? I've got my charts, which, as originally promised, will be posted shortly for your use as well. I've got my dice... I bought two new ones yesterday that are larger than normal so I can see the numbers better in the dim light of small theatre audiences...I don't have my pen or notepad yet, but I'll get those here in a little bit. That's pretty much all I need. Well, and some snacks and water. Hydration is important, yes.
My daughter and I attended the out-of-towner event last night at the BLB. It was a good time. Unfortunately bedtime (for her) and Jet Lag (for me) made us leave at the midway point. I'm wondering about the second half of the evening. I did get some pictures, which I will be posting here shortly, if I can figure out how to get them off my phone. I've never had a camera phone before. I'm not sure I like it. Generally it frustrates me. But, I'd forgotten to put batteries in my real camera before the event, so it was the only way for me to take pix.
Since I went, I suppose I should let you know what I thought... I'll do that by picking two of the shows featured last night that I enjoyed. In truth, that's probably the limit of the shows that I thought were worth seeing last night. Only one of the shows would I avoid like the plague, and then the rest fell in that mediocre range. I'm hoping that's not a trend for the entire Fringe, but I suppose we shall see...
The first show I should mention is Body Bazaar. This was a dance piece that used a great sense of theatricality and story-telling. It was fun and quirky. And you have to appreciate a piece that takes an attractive woman and makes her wear a mask that changes her appearance into that of a bug/crow-thing.
American Drama: Pocket Edition is my other choice from last night's slate of plays. This one is funny, and worth going to...However, the cast didn't exactly prove they can project their voices adequately, so sit up close if you're going to see it. Excepting that one complaint, this was a polished and refreshingly amusing piece that just about any theatre-goer will enjoy.
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