This is the show that has been stirring up buzz entirely because of its unique venue. It will be performed at the YWCA's pool in Minneapolis. Many of the other bloggers have covered this show since I first asked company member Derek Miller if I could write a couple of features on it. In fact, this company has become an example of successful Fringe marketing in action. But that's not the most important part of what they've got going on. When it comes down to it, they've dedicated themselves to putting together a show like no other in the Fringe, and quite possibly no other you've ever seen.
So... without furher ado... here's a quick interview (5 questions only) with one of the show's producers, Eric Sharp:
Q: A number of the other bloggers have written about your show, too. Were you expecting such a positive reaction to your return to the Fringe?
A: We knew from examples made by our friends and acquaintances from last year that there's definitely an advantage to being a returning company, but I don't think we had any idea that the buzz would be this great. All we set out to do was design a completely unique theatrical event, and because it happens to be in a pool, I think people realized and relished the possibility that they have probably never seen anything like this before. And also that they might get wet. It's kind of like Gallagher in that sense. We certainly appreciate all the buzz that Matthew, yourself, and others have helped create around our show. Long live the bloggers!
Q: What do you hope will be the main thought carried away from your show by members of the audience?
A: "I'm coming back, and I'm bringing 5 friends". Or, "I can't believe I just saw a play in a swimming pool."
Q: When all is said and done, when do you think the next time you'll go swimming after the Fringe will be?
A: Fairly soon. We've got to get some use out of our raft, Rita, before putting her up for adoption.
Q: If this is a huge hit, would you think about remounting it outside the Fringe?
A: We had already contemplated a remount at the YWCA, but as luck would have it, the pool is being drained and cleaned the day after we close the Fringe. So we would have to move to another pool, but finding indoor pools that are spacious and available becomes a huge problem. For instance, the YWCA was the only pool of several area facilities that even returned our phone call. So, if you or anyone you know is aware of any olympic size pools that aren't getting a lot of use lately, send the info our way.
Q: What is your favorite line from your show?
A: "We are deciding your fate; you cannot vote."
Eric and Derek and the rest of the crew are ready to bring to life a cast of characters that involve survivors from many different disasters, and tell a tale that is both timeless and taken out of time completely. Because The Depth of the Ocean is a "Bring Your Own Venue" show, there are more performances than a standard fringe show. That means that you should be able to fit them into your schedule somehow. And you should.
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