Saturday, August 05, 2006

Day 2 -- 8:30 p.m. Time Slot

Show: 12 Dancing Princesses

Company: MN Shakespeare Project

Venue: UofM Rarig Center Proscenium

Die Roll: 16

Before I talk about this show, let me talk about audience behavior. If the lights have gone down, and there is already a voice coming from the stage, watch what's going on and shut your yaps! Golly day, people! I don't pay to see the shows, but plenty of the other folks around you shelled out $12 to enjoy an hour of drama. Show some respect.

Okay. Now that that's done... Again getting straight to the point because of lack of time today: This is the best show of the first two days for me. In fact, I'm beginning to see a pattern: I like the last thing I see each night. I guess we'll see if that trend continues over the next few nights, eh?

This show is entirely set to music, and often feels like a ballet with very little dancing in it. Something like a semi-staged version of "Peter and the Wolf" that kids go see at the MN Orchestra. There was a narator and a few characters had some sparsely placed lines. But generally it was a stylized show that depended on movement to drive the story.

I didn't take a lot of notes because I was really drawn into the show. There were only two times when I was violently pulled from my suspension of disbelief. Those occurred each time the music shifted abruptly from instrumental and old to vocal and contemporary. It is a jarring change, and I'm not sure it is truly justified. It yanked me out of the story long enough to be irritated by it.

Be that as it may, the show has some little flaws, as every show does, but generally it is good, clean fun. You can bring kids to this. You can enjoy it fully as an adult, too.

Ten word summary: Nice guy breaks enchantment on 12 beautiful girls. Love wins.

RATING: "d20 - One of the Best"

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