Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 2 -- The Beginning

Something about the way the Fringe works with the calendar in general makes me frustrated. The world somehow pulls a bait and switch on me each year. I set aside the time to only do Fringe, and nothing else. I do this far in advance. My plans are clear. I make them clear to others. And somehow, I end up with other things that steal me away from my 10 solid days of theatre.

Tonight is one of those nights. I'll be seeing a show at 5:30 and then at 7 p.m. But, then I'll be on my way to other obligations. There is a little bit of guilt, but not much. When it comes down to it, my conflict involves eating food that I don't have to pay for. I enjoy eating. Seems to be an essential part of life.

So... On to the theatre!


A few random things before we move on:

  • Something is out there.
  • Although I enjoy the Bedlam, I sort of miss the days when Fringe central moved from pub to pub on a nightly basis. What was it called back then? Oh yeah! Nightcaps. Fringe Nightcaps. Miss those. Still, love the Bedlam. Not a knock against them.
  • "Man is ready to die for an idea, provided that idea is not quite clear to him." -- Paul Eldridge
  • A bit of trivia from Hooked on Facts: "Leonardo da Vinci invented scissors." -- I suppose this is really one of his greatest accomplishments. Take a moment to think about how often we use them on a regular basis. I can't think of anything else he invented that I use nearly daily. I suppose skydivers everywhere would claim that the parachute was a more important invention, as it prolongs their lives each time they use it. But, then... docotrs use scissors in surgery everyday, so that probably trumps just about everything else, no? I don't know. What I do know is that I'm happier about the invention of the scissors than about some stupid code that was named after the guy... APPLE!
  • 32 MB
  • Yellow, Green, Yellow, Pink

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