Saturday, August 01, 2009

Day 2 -- 5:30 p.m Time Slot

Show: The Gayer Show

Company: The Adventures of Les Kurkendaal and Dan Bernitt

Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Die Roll: 11

These two solo artists have been seen in many Minnesota Fringe Festivals. They are both out-of-towners, who despite not living in Minnesota have come to be an important part of this community each summer. Dan is newer to the scene than Les, who has been doing the Fringe here for as long as I can remember. Somehow, though, I had never seen Les perform a Fringe show. I've talked to him at bars, interviewed him for my column or podcasts (I used to call them "Fringecasts"...witty, I know), but still had never seen him perform.

Dan, on the other hand, I've had the fortune to catch both of shows he previously brought to the Fringe. One, I didn't care for. The other, I liked a lot.

So... Although I knew what to expect when I saw this show (i.e. two guys with music stands tell stories of their lives), I didn't know what to expect from this show. What I discovered is that the back-and-forth storytelling was choppy and that Les stares forward and above the audience's heads the whole time he's talking. This is unfortunate. He's a very animated person normally and in person. On stage, I didn't want to watch. And that's somewhat sad, because I listened to the stories and they were well written. I just wanted someone to act a little bit with them.

Dan offered up his stories which had less meat to them on because his life circumstances made for less drama. However his style of writing, and more importantly his presentation, made him a more engaging performer.

Half the time I felt engaged and entertained. I found myself liking Dan Bernitt. The other half of the time I was wondering why I scared Les so much.

The show has a good message, and the stories are sure to make you laugh. Well, at least most people will laugh. I assume. I laughed.

TEN WORD SUMMARY: Picture it. Discovery of homosexuality differs greatly for two guys.

RATING: d10 - "Worth Going To"

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