We live in a time in which the most popular cultish TV shows are about survival.
Survivor is no longer the biggest hit on the tube, but
LOST is. It is no longer a game, it is a story about a plane crash. Really, it is very little more than
Lord of the Flies on steroids... but... Anyway... Into this environment comes Perpetual Motion Theatre's "Depths of the Ocean." This is a show in which 5 "survivors" find themselves on a raft in the middle of the (you guessed it!) Ocean!
Now... one might wonder what brings these 5 to the middle of the ocean. What disaster befell them? Would you believe 4 completely different ones? From the sinking of the Lusitania to the Tsunami that lately hit South Asia, they're all on this raft for different reasons.
You may have heard a rumor about a show that is going to be taking place on an inflatable raft in the middle of the YWCA pool. That would be this show. You may also know that Perpetual Motion is a somewhat physical-acting based company. You would be right. You may wonder how one does much physically based acting whilst sitting on a raft in the middle of a pool, and I'd be right there with you. I guess in my next article about these folks, we'll have to explore that.
The company includes one person I've been on stage with before, and two who have been in productions that I was one of the producers for. Alia Mortenson, Derek Miller and Erin Appel are great on stage. And in this case, I expect them to be great on raft. I've only met Eric Sharp in passing, and cast member #5 is unknown to me, but if they are in the show with the other 3, I'm encouraged by their talent by association.
Anyway... because these guys are in a "bring-your-own-venue" situation, they have more shows than some of the others... and you can find all the info on it you ever wanted to know on their
Doo-Doo-Doo-Random Crap!

I always have hundreds of ideas of stuff to put in this section of my column, but I've now forgotten it all. Happens every time I sit down to write. How frustrating!

Usuario = User... Internet de alta velocidad = my happy place.

I am currently in Granada, Andalucia, Spain. It is beautiful. My agenda today includes touring the Alhambra.

I bet you can't guess how many fingers I'm holding up.


And now some trivia from
Hooked on Facts: "The average yearly salary of a DJ you listen to on the radio is only $20,000!" -- This fact is for the nation in general, and in that case the numbers have improved slightly since I last worked as an announcer...at that time the average was $16,500 a year...However, we are living in a major market here, and that means that most of the announcers on our local stations are making a good, if not obscene, living. I wouldn't normally recommend a career in radio to anyone who wants to make money, though. It's sort of like theatre that way.

It has been much cooler in Spain this year than it was last year. Average temp is about 95...although yesterday it was 105.8! Yipe!
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