Monday, July 31, 2006

I'm back and I'm grumpy

Hi there!

I've missed you soooo much!

So, I'm back from Madrid, Spain where I've spent the last month. School went well, but it ended on a particularly sour note. My last two days in Spain were consumed by trying to get a virus off my computer. Unfortunately, it looks like the first couple of days back will be spent in the same fashion. Combine that with jet lag, and Chris is a happy boy today.

What does all this mean? Well, first off, it means that when some theatre companies e-mail me directly asking me to attend their shows, claiming to have read my blog regularly, I get ticket off. Why? Because anyone who reads this blog with any regularity knows that I do not choose which shows I attend... I let dice do that for me at random. I cannot honor your request to see your show, unless it is by accident. PLEASE don't ask, especially when I'm in my currently grumpidy-grump mood.

Also, stop offering me bribes to come to your show. If the integrity of my column is based on the way I determine which shows to see, then your bribe is both wasted and offensive.

Granted, I know some of the other bloggers have openly solicited bribes for coverage. That's their thing... booze or poetry, it doesn't matter, I don't want it. All I've ever asked you to do is send me info on your shows. If what you tell me intrigues me or contains a reason to write about it, then I will. If you offer me crap to do it, then I probably won't. In fact, I discard those e-mails immediately, the info doesn't even get close to getting on the page here.

Anyway... assuming I can get my copmuter back to standard working order, I'll be posting the follow-up articles to all the shows that I've covered thus far over the next two days. Then I'll post a bunch of stuff about other shows that have sent me info that I've deemed worthy of inclusion because they might interest someone. Then, if I still have time, I'll talk about random drivel that matters to almost no one but me. That part's just silly, I know, but it makes me shut up!

Also, I'll be launching my regular audiofile segment in the next couple of days... Don't know what I'll call it, but it'll basically be my very own not-too-official blogcast about all things randomly Fringey. Such is the fun of Adobe Audition, a pre-amp, and a couple of recording studio mics.

Ready for some random stuff? Hold on tight!

My daughter has a violin lesson tonight.

I love going into tech week. There's nothing better than a fun bit of stress right before a show opens.

I'm never really quite sure what my favorite color is. I go back and forth between purple and green. Although, every shirt I bought in Spain was red, so maybe I'm just lying to myself and my fave color is red. I don't know. What does favorite color really matter in the real world anyway?

Last person to the tree is "it!"

The phrase right below the Motorola logo is "Intelligence Everywhere." I'm sorry, but have you overhead most people's cellphone conversations? It isn't intelligence that's everywhere.

Let's see that the gods of Trivia have for us today: "According to a recent survey, more than half of British adults have had sex in a public place!" -- This can't make the other half of the British population happy. They're either being left out, or they're having to witness mostly unattractive people having sex nearby. Not good.

Everybody Wang Chung tonight!

The Fringe Showcase at Amazon Books went really well by all reports. Kudos to Nancy Donoval whose presentation kept folks on the edge of their seats, and to Commedia Beauregard for another great outing!

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