I'll be starting with the show that I'm closest to because that doesn't require me to use up any skype.com minutes to call back to the states for interviews. However, over the next few days I'll have updates on the other 5 shows as well.
So... The show is Screwed to the Sticking Place. The title comes from one of Lady MacBeth's lines with which she challenges her hubby. She tells him to screw his courage to the sticking place. It has nothing to do with anything sexual. At least, not in its original intent.
Now, the show does have some sexual overtones, undertones, or whatever one might want to call them. But it is much greater in scope than that. What it looks at is Shakespeare's female characters. Some of the scenes are still in Shakes-speak, while others are in our modern verbiage.
The show has been in workshop since May and the ladies who are part of the company have put together some great scenes. The basic frame consists of some search that Cordelia is on... you know, the chica from King Lear. She goes through the play and encounters many different types of women in many types of situations.
Since pictures will say 1,000 words or more, I thought I'd just let a few from rehearsals speak for themselves:
This is from a scene known as the "bawdy dance."
Check it out! There's so much action high speed cameras can't catch it all!
And there are some touching emotional moments, too.
Basically, the show is really great, and if you are into the work of Kari Margolis, Jeune Lune, Off-Leash Area, and Live Action Set, then you'll most likely like this.
Hey! Check it out! A virtual post card!
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