Well... It is officially crunch time as we approach the Fringe Festival tomorrow. So... being the procrastinator that I am, I will be doing a lot of writing today to ensure that you have the absolutely best information you can about everything fringy...not to mention a bunch of other info that you probably never wanted anyway.
So... in this particular episode of
Fringe By Numbers, I m going to do some brief plugs for shows that have sent me their info and I've deemed worthy of sharing with you... cool?
First, I'll start with a show by a former Twin Cities company that relocated to Seattle. Some of you may remember Gaydar Productions and their show a couple of years ago,
Naked Boys Singing!. For this year's fringe, they are putting their best...um...foot...forward and doing a show called
Dirty Little Showtunes. Singing, dancing, and spoofing abound as they poke fun at traditional broadway tunes by looking at them through a gay male perpective. The group will only be in town starting the 9th, so even late into the Fringe you can be one of the first in town to see it.
There are always some shows that don't get all the hoopla sturred up about them prior to the fringe that turn out to be terrific. I'd like to suggest that
Jordan will be one of those shows. Adia Morris and Christiana Clark are two remarkable women, and I'm going out on a limb that by association Corissa White must be, too, although I don't know her. These three have teamed up to put together a show that looks like it will be something we're all saying, "Have you heard about..." in a day or two.
Natalie Wass is an actress that I almost cast in a show of mine seven years ago. At the time I thought, I'm sure I'll work with her on my next project. Since then she's priced herself out of my range, but she's still one actress that I hope to work with someday. And until that day comes, I'll just have to watch instead. If I get the chance to watch her in this Fringe, it will be in the show
Love in a Time of Rinderpest.
Over the last couple of years, some of the best shows to come out of the Fringe were put on by Nautilus Music Theatre. This year's offering is
Songs From An Unmade Bed. This is a song cycle turned into theatre...the natural domain of Nautilus.
I'll give you something random, if you really want me to...

You can tell that I'm in a Fringe-induced time crunch because all I've eaten today is 2 packs of Keebler Cheese and Peanut Butter Crackers... which reminds me... I'm so glad to be back in America where I can get Peanut Butter again. Although the first thing I ate upon my arrival was a fruit smoothie in the Miami airport, the next thing I ate was a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Let me tell you... I don't understand why PB hasn't taken off in Europe. I was suffering withdrawal.

It looks like I'll be attending the Fringe Masquerade as Pirate... Aaargh!

I am dreading seeing what problems arise around the Rarig Center at the UofM during the first weekend of the Fringe. The main entrance stairway, normally 30 feet wide, has been gutted, removed, destroyed (choose your misfortune-themed past participle here). Foot traffic into the building which holds four of our venues is sure to be interesting to say the least. If attending a show there, plan accordingly.

I am the proud (?) owner of a Razr phone as of a couple of days ago. Holy crap! I can't figure the thing out at all! Aaargh! Someone needs to save me from my technology.

Zoe Pappas sent me info about a fringe show that she is in, but upon searching the Fringe Website I couldn't find it. Zoe, if you want me to cover it, please send me a link so I can do so... thanks.

This story is about beauty.

I feel like throwing some darts. Anyone up for a game of Cricket?

Blimey! I almost forgot my
Trivia for today!: "Farmers in England are required by law to provide their pigs with toys!" -- Note: there is no such law requiring yo to give your kids toys in England. So, in some regards having your parent refer to your room as a pig sty in the UK at least means that you have some material possessions, and that can't be all bad, right?