Friday, August 07, 2009

Day 9 -- The Beginning

As you've probably noticed, there wasn't a single entry for Day 8 of the 2009 Fringe Festival. Sorry about that. I had rehearsal for GTC Dramatic Dialogues with whom I tour to college campuses each year with shows about Diversity, Drugs/Alcohol & Sex/Date-Rape. It's just about the college orientation time of year, so we had to rehearse the shows. Ergo... no Fringing on that night.

You may have also noticed that I've seen fewer shows over the last few days than one might expect. All I can say is that life as a single dad is not always the most conducive to scheduling for the Fringe. Especially as my daughter gets older and has more activities in the evening. I can't even tell you how much I'm dreading this next school year's activities. One night of peace each week! I never thought I'd say this, but I'm looking forward to her learning to drive. Only 6 years until her license!

So... A full docket tonight! It's a Friday and I'm stayin' up late watching plays! AND the shows start one slot earlier than normal tonight. 4:00 p.m. shows. I'm looking forward to 5 shows in one evening.

Can you handle all that theatre action? I know I can't wait.

Something random this way comes:

  • Paper Clip!
  • Trivia from Hooked on Facts: "Wearing yellow makes you look bigger on screen. Green makes you look smaller" -- This is especially true if you are wearing Green against a Chroma Key screen. Then it's likely that not only would you appear smaller, but that you'd be partly invisible.
  • I have a vast knowledge of things that no one cares about. For this reason, I often find it difficult to find interesting things to say in this portion of my column.
  • The panther is looking to its right.
  • Bromine's atomic number is 35
  • Left-left-left-right-left
  • Nothing can be done that can't be done.
  • Say what?

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