Thursday, August 04, 2005

Day 1 -- 5:30 p.m. Time Slot

Show: The Adventures of Can-Man!
Company: Shoe String Puppet Theater
Venue: MCTC Studio (Sort of)
Die Roll: 9

This play was held outside, which I anticipated to be a difficulty, but it really wasn't. I was confused as to how the whole admission collection thing was going to work out, but it seems that it went smoothly enough. I bought my ticket inside and it was collected outside.

What was the show doing outside? Well, the puppet stage that was built for the show was too big to fit in the space.

I love puppets. Just so you know. And I love the fact that this company made all of their puppets out of found trash and such. Their methods were good, and their puppets were good. And yet I walked away unfulfilled.

Why? Well, normally a storyline is a good thing. This show didn't have one. I was saddened by this.

There were good moments, to be sure, but there was no real conflict, no rising action.

If you want to see proficient puppeteers, go see this show. If you want to see a show that makes sense, or has some semblance of plot, you might consider something else.

Random thing! This is the third show I know of in the Fringe that has a shark in it!

RATING: "d8 - Not Bad, Not Great"

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