Saturday, August 13, 2005

Day 9 -- 4:00 p.m. Time Slot

Show: Magic Exists

Company: Insomnia, Inc.

Venue: Women's Club

Wendy's Number Choice: 10

As I mentioned earlier, Wendy (that's my daughter) tagged along with me this evening. Her choice of numbers replaced the rolling of the dice. I learned something. If you say "pick a number between one and twenty," using kid logic, you choose 10. It is halfway between 1 and 20. Well, 10 was the number on the chart for Mythed, but once we got there the line was far too long for us to get in, so we did a geographic calculation and went down the street to the Women's Club for a magic show. Wendy does magic tricks. She decided sometime last year that she'd like to be a magician. So I buy her a new trick from Twin Cities Magic & Costume from time to time.

So, we got to enjoy a few magic tricks, I got to enjoy some of the jokes that went over Wendy's head, and now I have to do some research on the rope trick so I can either buy it for her, or get a book that teaches her how to do it.

It was a fun show, although I wouldn't normally recommend bringing a kid with you, as the opening monologue is about sex. Again, I'm pretty sure it went over Wendy's 6 year-old head, but having taught theatre in many elementary schools over the past 7 years, I can assure you that if I'd had an 8 year-old with me the jokes would've been understood just enough to cause trouble, and that's not necessarily good.

RATING: "d10 - Worth Going To"

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