Wednesday, August 03, 2005

We Bloggers Are An Incestuous Bunch

By the title, I want you to know that I do not mean that we are all related, nor do we all sleep together while being related. What I do mean is that we're a little community unto ourselves who support each other's writing and coexist in each other's imaginations regularly. There are those that even work together all the time, but that's someone else's tale to tell.

I just got back from a thing at which five of us bloggers were there to be interviewed by "The Current." It was a lot of fun. I finally met Kate Hoff face to face, and she's just 100% terrific. I got to see friends Caitlin Gilmet (fave blogger from last year) and Matthew Everett (I can't escape this man!). And then I also got to meet a brand-spankin' new chica named Sophie. If you haven't had the chance, check out Sophie's blog. She's writing from the young person perspetive, and she's a first time Fringer. Following her through her maiden voyage should be a lot of fun.

Normally I interact with these folks online, so it's nice to actually have a few real moments with them.

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