I'm looking forward to seeing shows tonight, but I am also looking forward to the fact that I can work on my garden and such during the day today. I'm excited about my tomatoes. The only problem is that I planted a bunch of Heirlooms, and didn't label them, so I'm not sure how I'm going to tell when they are done. What color are they supposed to be? I don't know.
My other project today is to clean my house. I'm feeling awfully domestic!
Tonight, in addition to the shows, I'll be heading over to the Town Hall pub to see Bucky Fay. Bucky used to be the artistic director of the Cromulent Shakespeare Company. He's spent the last year in Kuwait and Kosovo teaching classes to the boys in the army and airforce. It'll be good to catch up.
Well, time for something random, I guess:

Neither Bert, nor Ernie are voiced by their original puppeteers anymore. Obviously because Jim Henson is dead, but Frank Oz isn't involved anymore. This bums me out, but I guess retiring from Sesame Street had to happen at some point.

I feel good!

Can yo uthink of any other time you might use the word "Akimbo" other than in the phrase "arms akimbo?" Can other things be akimbo?

A fact from
Hooked on Facts: "25% of your bones are located in your feet." -- And, according to my ex- wife 75% of my brains are in my A**!
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