I meant to get up a lot earlier today and start writing about all sorts of witty things, but now, since I have to make my way to Ragstock shortly to get an outfit for tonight's Prom (25% off Prom-wear with your Fringe Button!), I don't have as much time to write as I'd hoped.
So... At some point today I will be putting forth a couple of promotional articles about more shows that sent me info to do features on them. These will be the last ones that I cover in this way. I didn't get them done prior to the fest, but I feel an obligation to make sure they get done... so there's that.
The Fringe Festival is generlly not good for the cleanliness of my house. I need to do something about that. The festival is only one day old and I feel that I'm neglecting housework. Ugh!
Also, I clearly was not as prepared for the festival this year as I was last. I mean, I know that my charts aren't as pretty, and all that, but the biggest thing that I wasn't ready for was the need for snack foods and water. I must pick up some Cliff Bars if I'm going to try to do a straight shot through without stopping for a dinner break again.

My cell phone rang just moments after the completion of
The Adventures of Can-Man! yesterday. I was ashamed. Had their show gone one even a minute or two longer, It would've rung during their show. My apologies. I never forget to turn off my phone. But then, that's a lie, because clearly yesterday I did.

My daughter just received a package in the mail from her grandparents (my mom & dad). This isn't really big news, other than I know that my parents read this blog, so it's my way of letting them know that it arrived safely.

The first word on Page 505 of the 2005-2006 YellowBook is "Doors."

We'll pause here a moment for something from
Stuie's Trivia: "The term 'the whole nine yards' came from W.W.II fighter pilots in the South Pacific. When arming their airplanes on the ground, the .50 caliber machine-gun ammo belts measured exactly 27 feet before being loaded into the fuselage. If the pilots fired all their ammo at a target, it got 'the whole nine yards'." -- You see, I didn't know that at all. I always assumed that that phrase was derived from football. Although I'd also always wondered why it wasn't the whole 10 yards, since only going 9 yards isn't actually all that useful. It takes one more to get the first down. So, now, the phrase makes so much more sense to me. It's nice when you can have an epiphanal moment inspired by a bit of random trivia, isn't it?
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