Tuesday, August 02, 2005

My Top 10 Prospects: Numerically Speaking

Okay, you all know that I can't just go to my 10 favorite shows, but that doesn't mean I can select 10 that I would go to if I could. You might notice a trend within my list. Here it is.

1. 10-Speed Revolution -- This odd offering is about how a group of anarchists organize (something I thougth was impossible by definition) a bicycle collective.

2. 9/11 Tranny -- Reading this show's description online has me confused, so someone has to see it and tell me what it is about. Of the five sentences (really fragments) that make up the description, I only comprehended the meaning of "Where were you when the towers fell?" And, I could be completely off on what's meant by that, I guess.

3. At least One Shoe -- This is a spoken word offering not put forth by the Spoken-Word Fringe. Anyone who is a fan of storytelling, or of being forced to take Creative Non-Fiction Workshops (not complaining!), should go see this show.

4. Camelot is Crumbling: Two Arthurian Dreams -- Maximum Verbosity is back after plunging into the depths of bad theatre last year with Lokasenna! From what I've heard on the Fringe Podcast, I'm willing to bet this year's offering redeems last year's.

5. Eight Expectations -- Does the world need another play about speed-dating? Apparently. And here it is. The phenomenon of 8-minute dates, or lunches, or whatever, is ripe for comedic events.

6. Going to 2nd Base With God: A Stormy Relationship -- The concept of being able to get to ANY base with a diety brings completely new meaning to the song Paradise by the Dashboard Light!

7. L'an: Four Jewish Characters in Search of Israel's Future -- This would be one of those shows that I would be tempted to see out of obligation to friends. David Lind directed and Benji Latz stars in it. Break a leg, guys!

8. Pike's Pique: 200 Years and Still Not Lewis & Clark -- Directed by Lindsay Goss, this play takes a look at the fella who discovered the Mississippi Headwaters. Lindsay was my Assistant Director once upona time, and has a great directing mind, so I'm excited to see what comes out of this show.

9. The Three Billy Goats Gruff -- Just in case you're able to make it through a Fringe Festival without seeing enough Joe Scrimshaw, I've found one more opportunity for you! Yup he's in the cast of this one.

10. Serendipity, or An Evening of Happy Accidents in Exactily Seventeen Scenes (more or less) -- Just the title of this show makes me laugh. The show has a good cast and will be well-sung, for sure. Beyond that, it'll be interesting to see how it turns out.

So, there it is... in case you couldn't figure it out, all of the qualifiers for my top-10 contained a number in their title. After all, this is "Fringe by Numbers."

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