Monday, August 15, 2005

Day 11 -- 5:30 Time Slot

Show: Speechless
Company: Jessica Ferris
Venue: Red Eye
Die Roll: 20

One of the best things to come out of the Fringe this year was the sheer number of good people I met. One of them, Jessica Ferris. Jessica is very talented and uses that talent to the utmost in this show. Now, having read most of my other posts, you may have gathered that I'm not a fan of the one-man show under most circumstances. However, Jessica made her one-woman show well worth every moment. She played many characters, physically embodied each one entirely, and gave a moving performance and had my attnetion in its grasp non-stop.

She spoke different languages, used a method of storytelling that far surpassed just talking to the audience, and displayed an understnding of other people far beyond her years.

This woman is one of the best of the Fringe just by herself, mix that with her material, and it was a true treat.

RATING: "d20 - One of the Best"

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