Finally I feel as if I'm back in America and that I feel good about it!!!
I got a bunch of extra sleep last night and I'm no longer trying to Fringe in a jet-lagged body. Now maybe people will stop telling me I look like Hell when they see me in the lobby of a show.
My day is starting on an up note. So I'm looking forward to seeing these shows. I'm really hoping to see some stuff that will set my mind ablaze with perceived brilliance.
Please! Please! Please! Let that happen!
As if the rest of my colmun isn't random enough:

I am a chronic people watcher. During my chat with Charlie Bathel yesterday I suddenly became painfully aware of how often I was distracted by people walking by. I have to break that habit. I'm sorry, Charlie.

There is a book sitting next to me at the moment titled "Born to be a Butterfly." It must be my daughter's, at least I hope it is.

So, I called my parents yesterday and spoke with them very briefly. I have never been essentially dismissed from a phone call by my mother so quickly and abruptly. It is joked about how long it often takes to end a conversation in my family on the phone. Saying goodbye can take days (hyperbole). And you'll often get three or four more minutes of additional conversation between the three requisite goodbyes.

I'm currently watching a story about the space shuttle. Something that frustrates me about the media, NASA and everything else regarding the "Foam" problem...At what point did we forget that space travel is risky. Once upon a time, at the beginning of the space race we had test pilots and astronauts dying with some regularity. We didn't give up on space entirely. Everyone who goes up in the shuttle knows fully well that they're putting their lives on the line for the advancement of human knowledge. It's a risk that they are taking. We will not have a successful program until the media and the pundits just let them do what they need to do. Let the astronauts put their lives on the line. We don't suspend military actions when soldiers die, we don't stop police departments from doing their work when an officer gets killed. People who take on risky jobs understand the risks. Let them get on with it!
Trivia...: "The Roman Emperor Nero never wore the same clothes twice." -- I think I know some people today who fit this description, too.
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