All right! This is killing me. I'm not making the switch back to Minnesota time smoothly at all. I was supposed to go out last night and chat theatre at a local pub or two. Targetted arrival time? 10 p.m. Time Chris fell soundly asleep? 8:30 p.m.
And then I woke up at 3:30 a.m. this morning. My daughter woke up at 5:00 a.m. That's not unusual for her, but normally I'm still in a stupor at that point, and I can hand her a breakfast bar, turn on a DVD and and sleep for another hour or so. That's not the case since coming back from Europe.
The lack of sleeping time has led to me getting some stuff done that I otherwise wouldn't have had time for. I managed to fix my blog at 4 a.m. this morning so that it conforms to the layout of all the other ones on the site.
Unfortunately, there still isn't enough time in the day to do everything I need to. The first show of the Fringe is at 4 p.m. tomorrow, and I don't have all my charts completed. I'm a little panicked about that. Because once it is up and going, I don't have time to figure it out. That means between now and noon tomorrow I've got to pull off an awesome feat of data-entry. Wish me luck!
It is now time to randomly start this new day:

I still need to take a look at the two bikes my mom sent to me for Fringe use.

Let's get the
Trivia out of the way early: "The youngest parents were 8 and 9 years old and lived in China in 1910." -- There is something so horribly wrong about that. It's enough to make me contemplate never trying to find a bit of trivia again. It's WRONG I say!

I'm a little frightened. I've purchased tickets for a flight to Orlando on the 25th of August. I bought the tickets before I'd heard about the potential mechanics' strike that would start five days before that trip. I'm also worried about the potential for a hurricane hitting there while we're visiting. If this really is the worst hurricane year ever, then I chose the wrong time to take my family to Disney World.

I love peanut butter and mashmallow fluff sandwhiches.

"The captain gave a sort of gasp." -- The first sentence on page 20 of my copy of
Treasure Island.

Narf! Poit!

I typed in the words "Marshmallow" and "Cannon Ball" into Google, and
this page was the first result.
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