Saturday, August 05, 2006

Day 2 -- 7:00 p.m. Time Slot

Show: The Trans Cafe

Company: Dance, Dance, Tranny Revolution

Venue: UofM Rarig Center Xperimental

Die Roll: 18

Okay... so here's the general set-up for this show. You are in a coffee bar with a Transgender theme. It is open mic night. You will watch a variety of acts and get to know the people there.

So far so good. I'll get straight to the point (pardon the use of the word "straight"). I liked this show. However, it was a lot of work to like this show.

Basically, I'm not sure there was a director or any rehearsals. Had there been, someone should ahve noticed that starting a show with 20 minutes of karaoke is not a good idae when your audience is sober. 20 minutes of Karaoke is only tolerable after at least two hard drinks imbibed in a very short period of time.

So... The show started out rough. However, in the middle there was a chat set, a discussion, some dialogue, whatever you want to call it, that allowed us in the audience to get to know these people. After that, whatever they did, even painful karaoke, was tolerable because we were let into their world a little bit.

And I think that's the point of the show. To be let in a little. To understand that the members of the community and be able to laugh with them. Once that was accomplished, I enjoyed it.

Here's the thing...This is not a polished show... far from it. But it again speaks to what is beautiful about the Fringe. Anyone can put up a show. Anyone can do all sorts of things in the Fringe, and it all fits.

I sooo desperately wanted to take these performers aside and give them some help on the staging and such. I would like to see them succeed. However, if you're not in the mood for a show that will require a little toleration of stage inexperience, then you should probably skip this one. To be fair to the performers, know what you're getting going in. If you can embrace that, then go see the show.

Ten word summary: Good conversational middle somewhat makes up for really rough edges.

RATING: "d6 - Has Some Merit"

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