Sunday, August 06, 2006

Day 3 -- 8:30 Time Slot

Show: Sock Puppet Serenade

Company: Kurt Hunter Marionettes

Venue: Minneapolis Theatre Garage

Die Roll: Nope...Kid day

This was our last show. It started half an hour past my daughter's bedtime, but we had to stay up for it. This exact show was in the Fringe two years ago. It blew me away then, and it did so this year too. Oddly enough, my daughter was amazed... she said: "That was a amazing!"

This is the only show I ever recall having given a standing ovation to at the Fringe. I could be wrong on that. I'd have to check a lot of old blogs to really know. But, let's just pretend that the statement is true for now.

It is a good show. The puppetry skill is awesome. Even when a glitch occurs, it is incorporated seamlessly.

It is funny. It is great. And rather that just listing more positive words than are in the thesaurus under the word "good," I'll just say you HAVE to see this show.

Ten Word Summary:Amazing. Marionettes explain it all. Witty. Charming. Awsome puppet show.

RATING: "d20 - One of the Best"

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