Sunday, August 06, 2006

Day 3 -- 2:30 p.m. Time Slot

Show: A Dragon Odyssey

Company: Asian Media Access

Venue: Red Eye

Die Roll: Moot's Daddy/Daughter day.

There were at least two kid-friendly options in this time slot. We were lucky enough to hit A Dragon Odyssey. This is a show that retells an asian folk-tale about the Green Dragon and Sky Blue. It is a story of ill-fated love throughout the ages.

The show is narrated and consists primarily of dancing right out of the gate, so I was encouraged that this might be like 12 Dancing Princesses. But the similarity stops there.

Now, I must admit that my daughter generally liked the show. In fact, her direct quote was "I liked it."

And, I must again admit that I, too, enjoyed the performance generally. It is not a good show, but there is a sense of fun coming from the performers that is often present in true community theatre. These people were doing something they loved and were excited about it, and it showed and that was infectious.

That doesn't hide the fact that at times the songs were at least one verse too long, and that many in the show couldn't project enough to get their lines out to where the audience was sitting.

But, just as if you were watching your home town's community theatre, you forgive them those things because they're trying so darned hard.

Ten Word Summary: Asian Myth. Tragic love story. Cast of thousands. Community Theatre.

RATING: "d8 - Not Bad, Not Great"

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