Sunday, August 06, 2006

Day 3 -- 7:00 p.m. Time Slot

Show: Cinderella

Company: DeLasalle Players

Venue: U of M Rarig Center Proscenium

Die Roll: Umm... My daughter picked it.

I find myself saying these things at the beginning of my articles here that ought to be common knowledge, if not common courtesy. To a number of people sitting close to me at the Fringe: Theatre is not like TV. You are not in your living room. If you are tempted to talk back to the show, or want to make a loud comment about the show to the person next to you, try to refrain. The actors can hear you, not to mention the other people around you. C'mon!

Alright... That's out of the way. This show was fun. It wasn't great theatre, again, but it was fun. Cinderella has been retold in a manner that includes a game show, a huge number of ugly step-sisters, and a bait-and-seitch ending that is quite rewarding.

It is important to remember that these kids are not from one of the acting training programs in town. They just go to DeLasalle. So, the abilities are are varied. But the writing of the show caters to that.

Ryan North directed. We used to work together at YPC, and he was always good with the kids. Clearly he was once again. They all seemed to be having a great time.

My daughter really liked this one. "I thought that was really good...actually 5 stars."

My Ten Word Summary: Cinderella and the prince end up together...kinda...good fun.

RATING: "d12 - A Heckuva Lotta Fun"

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