Monday, August 15, 2005

Day 11 -- 1 p.m. Time Slot

Show: Do Not Pass Go

Company: Bobaloo

Venue: Mixed Blood

Die Roll: 7

This play goes into the category of either stand-up comedy routine, or theatre as therapy. Or both. From the moment that Bobaloo runs down the steps, he is doing a set about board games, but it morphs into a few tales about how he knew he was gay as a child.

Bobaloo seemed like an affable enough guy, and it is hard to dislike the show because he was trying so hard. But really there was little of substance here for an audience to watch. The substance was made up of things that clearly meant something to the actor, but the transition to a point where we could care, too, was missing.

RATING: "d6 - Has Some Merit"

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