Monday, August 16, 2004

Day 10: The Shows

I saw "Feeling Faust" by CalibanCo, oddly enough in the CalibanCo space. I then stayed at that space (free parking!) to see "When Worlds Collide: Talking Dirty at Bobby and Steve's Autoworld." And finally I saw "The Testimony of Gary Alan Richards" at the Acadia (Free parking at the Howard Conn Center parking lot).

All three were okay. The Faust play was notable for the acting of Jeremy Cottrell, who is one heck of an actor. That and the twist ending of having the devil be female (kind of a twist, anyway). The one man show that followed was a bit of mis-billing. The play had very little, if anything, to do with Bobby & Steve's. The play was really about the guy's various sexual encounters over the years. It was entertaining, I guess, but not at all what I expected. The "Testimony" play was not terribly good, in and of itself, but the performances of the actors were very realistic and fulfilling. The street theatre ending of the guy being hauled away in a real ambulance was kind of cool, too.

That was it for the final Fringe day, because then I was off to the world of Carmen.

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