Sunday, August 08, 2004

Day 2: 8:30 p.m. Time Slot

DANDELION SNOW by Matthew Everett
MCTC Whitney Main Stage

This is the show that I'm in. It went really well. It is four scenes long, and I'm only in scenes 2 & 4. That's a good thing, because I started having a coughing fit backstage during scene 1. I had to leave the theatre abruptly to get it under control. That sort of threw off my concentration, but overall I'm told that nobody could tell. The online reviews that are on the Fringe site are all good, and the fact that the audience applause was so long that we had to come out for a second bow hopefully means that folks liked it enought that we'll continue to get good houses.

I highly recommend the show, but you know, I'm sort of partial to it, myself.

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