Monday, August 09, 2004

Day 3: The Beginning

There's a problem with this whole blogging thing. I fall drastically behind. I'm writing this on day 4 even though it is about what I was thinking at the beginning of yesterday. my main though was that I had over slept and was running late. Originally I had gotten up on time, had blueberry and cream cheese crepes for breakfast, and then when I plopped myself down to catch up on my blogging, I fell asleep again until about 15 minutes before I had to leave. So, I had to book it, shower ridiculously quickly, and run like a bat out of Hades to my car. I did that zig-zagging thing on the drive to the former Hey City Theatre (Hennepin Stages, they're calling it now). I hate people that do that zig-zaging thing. It isn't safe, and it is completely selfish. Not cool.

Anyway... more on the rest of the day in the upcoming posts, here's the bit of random crap:
  • My cats apparently thing my arm is a pincushion. Sometimes it is cute that they have figured out a way yo get me to pet them. Essentially they pet me, and that is great cuz it proves that they can mimic behavior. The problem is, they like it when I curl my fingers in a claw-like manner while petting them. I, however, do not care for them extending their claws while they are petting me. I have little scratches all over my right arm. Not good.
  • Something from "A man named Charles Osborne had the hiccups for approximately sixty-nine years. " -- Hee hee! They said Sixty-Nine!!!

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