Thursday, August 12, 2004

Day 7: The Beginning

Today is another one of those where I don't get to see anything. I am going to be in "Dandelion Snow" at 5:30, and if you love me, you'll come see it. And then I'll be appearing in Jeune Lune's "Carmen" this evening. That means there's no time for Fringing.

Since I've now given you the entire rundown of the day, I'll launch into random stuff:

  • Normally, I wait until near the end to do the fact from, but today I'll put it first, just to be random: "The first product that Sony came out with was the rice cooker." -- Now that's just amazing. You go form one small house appliance and you grow to a corporation that can take over entire segments of the world's economy. I need to invent a small houshold appliance. Oh dear! Wait! Could Ron Popeil be our next great dictator?! Aaaaigh!
  • I finally notified everyone that didn't get cast in my next show. I can't even tell you how relieved I am that that is done.
  • Does anyone really know what time it is? Does anybody really care?
  • The Friends School of Minnesota is about to launch into their bulb sale. They have a plant sale every spring and I get my heirloom tomatoes from them... I've never bought anything from their bulb sale, but that's because I've never planted bulbs at all. I might try it this year. I was raised Quaker, so I always feel that I have an odd obligation to support them.
  • Since there is Google for searching and Froogle for shopping, I'd like to propose Smoogle for fencing illegal goods, and perhaps Zoogle for animals. I think the -oogle ought to gain as much notoriety as the -izzle.
  • I sometimes wish that I was a more direct person when dealing with people who frustrate me. It is hard to balance politeness with irritation.
  • John's Pizza in Frogtown is one of the best places I've ever gotten food from.
  • I've got nothin' else right now.

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