Saturday, August 14, 2004

Day 8: 8:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. Time Slots

Well 8:30 was our second to last show of "Dandelion Snow." It was a really good performance.

So anyway, I thought it went really well, and after the odd way that our Fringe started with this show, I am glad to say that we're going to close having had a positive experience overall. The other actors have made it a huge success. And the playwright has been exceptionally helpful. Thanks guys (and gals).

After that we all were wiped out, so we went to Fringe Central, caught snippets of performance by 10 foot Five, whose "Stomp!" inspired footwork is really good. And also scenes from a couple of other pieces.

Frign Central is a terrific addition to the Fringe, and I'm glad that we're able to have such a place. I hope it is ther again next year. I also hope that there will be some real food there. Pretzels just don't cut it for the guy who hasn't eaten all day. One beer can mess you up pretty well if you don't get some food into you.

Anyway... there's that... On to day 9...

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