Wednesday, August 04, 2004

It's 4 a.m. !!!

Well. I promised myself that I would finish my charts this past evening as I set myself down in front of my computer. And I have now officiall done that. However, I started that process around 9 p.m. and it is now FOUR IN THE MORNING! I a proud to tell you, nevertheless, that there is nothing happening at the Fringe that isn't on my charts. If it's something Fringy, it is there and duly charted.

I have come to one overwhelming conclusion as I sit here with my eyes burning, hoping that my daughter doesn't wake up early and prevent me from even getting an hour or two of sleep (she's five and still hasn't realized the merits of sleeping in). I have come to the conclusion that this whole making charts and rolling dice thing is one of the dumbest ideas that I ever came up with. What the Hell was I thinking?

All I can say is that I hope everyone appreciates what I am doing for them in this blog. The thing is, I'm not really sure what that might be myself.

Have you ever had that feeling deep in your tummy that is sort of a grumbly, I'm-hungry tummy, but it's far past that feeling because it also has the tres acidy feeling that comes fromstaying up all night? That's what I've got going on now. I could get up from the computer here and get a bedtime (?) snack, I guess.

I'll sign off for the night and do another test of the charts tomorrow. Probably not before noon, though. I enjoy sleep.

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